Q20 Business Health Check-up
For each question score your business by dragging the slider from 1-5
1 2 3 4 5
I have a personal life plan and work on it quarterly. So do my team leaders.
The problem our business is solving is clearly defined and all team members understand it
We have 3-5 clear differentiators that are easily and clearly explained
We have a Client Relationship Management software and a sales process that is followed by all
We are getting in front of the right number and quality of prospects each week
Our buying experience is mapped out and monitored for the best results
We have a 10-year vision of where we are going, and everyone’s quarterly projects tie into it
Our CORE values are customized and are reflected in how we act, how we hire, review and fire team members
We have a clear process for how our business is done. It is illustrated, written down and active with team members.
We have an active chart showing who is responsible for what roles and each person knows the 3-7 things they are responsible for each day
We hold each other accountable to the responsibilities we have at every level
Our leadership team is open, honest and humble with one another. We don’t compete for resources but pool our talents to overcome issues needing to be addressed in any department
All our business areas pass “the bus test” (if the area leader gets hit by a bus, the business area would continue to perform as expected)
If a sales person leaves, the new person can easily identify and pick up where the other left off
We have an excellent process for evaluating our people around the fit for our company and how well they are performing each week, and all adhere to it.
We have, and live by, a budget and specific measurables that allow us to score the important areas of our business weekly. Each person has a number that measures their performance.
Our team meets regularly with the top 30% of clients and discusses the products and their needs
We have an exit strategy and interview process for clients who no longer use us
Our margins are excellent, and they allow us to save for future challenges
Our customers know the full suite of solutions we have to help them
This number indicates the current Health of your Business:
40-50% is average. Above 80% is what we want to help you get to.
What is one thing you would like to improve with your sales?
What is one area you would like to see improve in your product to market fit?
What is one thing you would want to improve about your team?
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